Chen Tang 唐辰

Research Assistant

Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

tangc [AT] tsinghua [DOT] edu [DOT] cn / tangchen18 [AT] outlook [DOT] com

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Short Bio

I am currently a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, working with Prof. Wenwu Zhu, Prof. Zhi Wang, and Prof. Yuan Meng. I will be joining Multimedia Laboratory (MMLab), The Chinese University of Hong Kong as a Ph.D. student, co-supervised by Prof. Wanli Ouyang and Prof. Xiangyu Yue. I received my Master's degree in Computer Technology from Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Zhi Wang. My research interests are in AI for science, efficient learning, multimodal learning, and generative learning.

I was a visiting student at AIoT Lab, Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR) at Tsinghua University, working with Prof. Yuanchun Li and Prof. Yunxin Liu. Prior to that, I spent a wonderful year as a research intern in the System and Networking Research Group at Microsoft Research Asia, working with Dr. Li Lyna Zhang. I also was a visiting student of Peng Cheng National Laboratory (PCL). I have served as a reviewer for CVPR, ECCV, ICLR, ACM Multimedia, and NeurIPS.


Selected Publications and Preprints

(*: Equal contributions)

Selected Rewards

Code from Han Hu